[Update] Code Geass
I just uploaded episodes 2-4 of Code Geass. As always you can get them here. More to come!
I just uploaded episodes 2-4 of Code Geass. As always you can get them here. More to come!
Ooookay. If you read the 'lil shoutout box then youve read my proclamation of laziness. Well, here I'm asking you to SAVE ME FROM THE DAMN STUFF!!
If you just leave me some posts requesting some stuff I'll make an effort to please. Lately I've just been putting up stuff that I like, and I don't know what people think because I haven't gotten any feedback. The only thing thats really been even touched is Vol. 20 of Gantz. And that with 18 d/ls.
I know I'm just bitching here, but c'mon... its not really motivating to work when no one cares...
Care first, please, then I'll put more stuff on.
Thank ye..
and yea i know this is abusing my posting privileges. but i no care. wewt.
Upon request of a forum member I was asked to do Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch. I've watched the first episode and I liked it. Along with that I just finished encoding Episode 1 to RMVB format. Hope you all will enjoy this series as I plan to. As always you can get it here.
Anime Archive: June 2007 - [New] Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
I found our first movie to upload and there are a few reasons why I chose this. Whisper of the Heart is a Studio Ghibli production and is a pretty good movie. One of the reason's I chose to upload it is because it has my states song in it!!! I never thought that West Virginia would have a song in an anime!! Also, I liked it!!! =P
Anyways, as usualy you can get your download here!!! Hope you enjoy!
Just finished off Crescent Love!!! All 12/12 are up! As always you can get them here!!