Myself; Yourself Eps. 6-10
Just Uploaded Myself; Yourself Eps. 6-10. As always, You can get them Here.
Just Uploaded Myself; Yourself Eps. 6-10. As always, You can get them Here.
Just uploaded Myself; Yourself Eps. 1-5. This is a pretty good anime. It's in mkv format. As always you can get it here. If anyone has any problems playing files you get from here I can add a download for codecs as well.
Sorry so late guys. Been working alot lately. As always you can get them here.
Anime Archive: 2007 - [Update] Shakugan no Shana Second Eps. 5 and 6
well this series is nearly done i have a few more to upload left for this show and i will be starting new series around this up coming week well i hope so and i'm very sorry for the delay of this fate/stay night eps. 17-22 ...well as alway you can get it here
P.S one more thing start from eps. 20 on of fate stay night will host in mediafire or untill i can upload it on megaupload so sorry bout it. since i been getting error 10 for a while now>.>
The Sacred Blacksmith
I've uploaded all the Episodes 1-13 of Angel's Tail. As always, you can get them here.
Okay here another quick update for fate/stay night eps. 15&16 and as alway you can get it here
haha before i forget happy halloween days everyone!^^
Enjoy and have a nice day!
well here a quick update of Fate/Stay Night Eps. 13&14 and i'm so sorry if i turn out to put it up late sometime but i will try put up more of it doing this weekend. but for now you can get it here
Here's episode 4 of sns 2nd. As always you can get it here.
Anime Archive: 2007 - [Update] Shakugan no Shana Second Ep. 4
Here's Bleach Ep. 145. Sorry, I missed last week. As always you can get it here.
I've just uploaded all of AIR TV. Unfortunately for you .rmvb fanatics it's in .avi. As always you can get it here.
Explanation: I've just too many things to worry about converting things to .rmvb. Sorry, but that's just the way it's gonna have to be. If Miki-chan wants to upload in .rmvb it is fine with me. Also, if you guys want to upload .rmvb mirrors that's fine with me too, but as it stands now MOST of the things that I'm going to upload is not gonna be .rmvb. There are some exceptions such as Bleach and Naruto.
well i think it time for another quick update of fate/stay night eps. 11 & 12 and as alway your can get it here
So Enjoy!
Well, we got Ikkitousen Dragon Destiny. Yep, that's right all 12 eps. As always you can get them here.
so here a quick update of fate/stay night #10 and as alway you can get it here.
I've got the rest of Code Geass for you. As Always, you can get it here.
I've got Eps. 14 and 15 of Shakugan no Shana the first season uploaded. As always you can get them here.
Anime Archive: 2007 - [Update] Shakugan no Shana Ep. 14 and 15
I've uploaded Shakugan no Shana Second Ep. 2. As always you can get it here.
Anime Archive: 2007 - [Update] Shakugan no Shana Second Ep. 2
I've uploaded Shakugan no Shana Episodes 11-13 on the forums. As always you can get them here.
Miki-chan has posted Episodes 4-7 of Fate/Stay Night in the forums. As always you can get them here.
Miki has uploaded Fate/Stay Night Episodes 2 and 3! As always, You can get them here.
Here's Episode 1 of Fate/Stay Night. Uploaded by Miki! Yay, Miki!!! As always you can get it here.
Here it is!! The first episode!! I'm so excited!!! As always you can get it here.
To Aru Majutsu no Index
Kemeko DX
Macademi Wasshoi!
Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka
Rosario to Vampire: Capu 2
Tales of the Abyss
Casshern SINS
Well, upon becoming excited for Shakugan no Shana 2nd season, I have uploaded episodes 1-10 so far of the 1st season. You can get them here.
Also, the opening of the 2nd season is really cool! Check it out!
Well, DB has just released Bleach 143. As always you can get it here. (Must be a forum member).
Shakugan no Shana is going to have a second season!!! I've got the promo here.
Anime Archive: 2007 - [News] Shakugan no Shana 2nd series promo!
Everything for right now is going to be put in the forum. Sorry about this guys, but it's just something that need to be done at the moment. I've already moved a couple of the anime's onto the forum. If you want to know which ones go check them out, but be warned... you need to be a forum member to download the ones that have been moved to the forum.
I've uploaded episodes 13-16 of Code Geass. As always you can get them here.
Also, Our old forum crashed. It had a major SQL crash and I couldn't even log in to fix it. So, I've got a new forum from freeforums.org. All of your user information is NOT on there and you will have to re-register for the forum. The anime that was on the forum is gone too unless the uploader registers for the forum and re-posts the links.
On another note: after all the anime on the site has been uploaded and completed, all anime from then on will be put on the forums. The link will still be on the site so that you don't have to search the forums, but you will have to become a member to download any anime.
Everyone will need to make an introductory post and make at least one post every two weeks to be able to download. If you don't make a post in 2 weeks you will be deleted off of the forum.
Sorry for the long post.
Anime Archive: 2007 - [Update] Code Geass 13-16 and [News] Forum
Fate/Stay Night
Also, put up eps 17 and 18 of Tokimeki Memorial. It's a good anime. Check it out here.
Well we've got a new series about us and it's: Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi.
As always you can get it here.
We've got Code Geass here and we're up to episode 8 on the update list.
As always you can get it here.
Sorry about all the delays in updating the site. I just got back off of a Military Deployment, but I'm back home now. I hope to get everything back up to date and then some!!!
We've added a rank system to our forums. Sign up and get your title! I'd also like to congratulate EternalLily for being the one to make our 100th post! Yay, Nee-chan!!!! le3on9 has also posted up Girls Bravo Season 1 and I's Pure! Go sign up for the forum to download them. Just a reminder: Everything on this site is free. No donations needed or required! Have a good day!
I'm back everyone! I know it's been almost a MONTH since you've seen any Inu Updates, but you'll be glad to know that I now have all the episodes uploaded to 120~!! I'm currently uploading even more and I hope to have the series finished before my classes start on Monday! =D Sorry for the long wait, but now I'm glad that I'm back (with my now working laptop!!!) and I'm here to start up the fun! =)
As a side note I'm planning on getting started with a new anime I'm into called Hayate the Combat Butler! =) I'm also proud to announce that this is AA's 100th post!! =D
<3 Lily
Episode 2 is up, sorry for delay...so much homework...I'll try to get some more this weekend.
Angel's Tail
Just set up a new template for the site. I, Blank_Mind, edited the layout and Blule-chan made the banner. Give us some feedback in the forums!!!
I'm going to start the next series. It's called Demonbane, quite a good anime. The first episode is up, and I shall be uploading the rest soon! You can get it here.
And now I'm good for a week...
Hey, I'm kinda back, and so I thought I'd go ahead and upload the InuYasha Movies. Right now the first movie is online and can be downloaded here, just scroll to the bottom of the page. I shall be uploading the other three soon. Enjoy ^_^
Edit: All four movies have been uploaded. Enjoy ^_^
I just uploaded episodes 2-4 of Code Geass. As always you can get them here. More to come!
Ooookay. If you read the 'lil shoutout box then youve read my proclamation of laziness. Well, here I'm asking you to SAVE ME FROM THE DAMN STUFF!!
If you just leave me some posts requesting some stuff I'll make an effort to please. Lately I've just been putting up stuff that I like, and I don't know what people think because I haven't gotten any feedback. The only thing thats really been even touched is Vol. 20 of Gantz. And that with 18 d/ls.
I know I'm just bitching here, but c'mon... its not really motivating to work when no one cares...
Care first, please, then I'll put more stuff on.
Thank ye..
and yea i know this is abusing my posting privileges. but i no care. wewt.
Upon request of a forum member I was asked to do Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch. I've watched the first episode and I liked it. Along with that I just finished encoding Episode 1 to RMVB format. Hope you all will enjoy this series as I plan to. As always you can get it here.
I found our first movie to upload and there are a few reasons why I chose this. Whisper of the Heart is a Studio Ghibli production and is a pretty good movie. One of the reason's I chose to upload it is because it has my states song in it!!! I never thought that West Virginia would have a song in an anime!! Also, I liked it!!! =P
Anyways, as usualy you can get your download here!!! Hope you enjoy!
Just finished off Crescent Love!!! All 12/12 are up! As always you can get them here!!
Hey everyone, it's me! =)
I'm posting because I need to let you all know that I will not be making updates on Inu Yasha or starting any other animes until after the 15th of June. Reason being is that I need to focus 100% on school (Finals are just around the corner for me!). So wish me good luck and I'll see you guys in a couple of weeks!! As a present, I'll be uploading 20 or 30 more episodes of Inu just to keep you all occupied. =) So expect a HUGE update from me later tonight! =)
<3 EternalLily
All the way to episode 80! =)
InuYasha .
Hey everybody!! I've uploaded episodes 31-50 of Inu Yasha are up! =D As always you can find it here! InuYasha .
Holy cow!!!! Another big ass update from me! Episodes 26-50 of Blood+ are now uploaded and completes the series!!! As always you can get them here.
Hey everyone~! I've fixed the first ten episodes of Inu Yasha! Be prepared because I'll be adding another round of episodes by tomorrow night! =) Expect great things from me! =) And don't be afraid to make requests! =)
InuYasha .
ZOMG!!!! BIG update from me. Here's ep. 11-25 of Blood+. As always you can get it here! Enjoy!!
I will be changing the formatting on my current articles to better suit the template on this site. As soon as I complete this I will upload them for your viewing pleasure ;)
Currently Re-Formatting -
"Bleach" Technique Guide (Episodes 1 - 55)
"Bleach" Overview
"Elfin Lied" Lyrics - Opening and Closing Themes
"xxxHolic" Outline Review
To-Do List After Re-Formatting -
"Beck" Review
"Death Note" Review
...and plenty more to come, I'm always open to suggestions ;)
- Triysle
Dragonaut - The Resonance
Code: E
New update from me!
Okay, so now what we have is the beginnings of Fairy Tail up and the latest 666 Satan.
I need to find a site that has the beginning of it. But these chapters are 40-60 pages long. And these 3 chapters are very nice.
Gantz is updated too! New chapters are up! Theres 2 because I guess I must have forgotten about one. >_> Soo sorry!
Here are the links!
Gantz (247-248 new)
666 Satan
Fairy Tail
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
As all the admins know, we have a little issue with a site taking the Inu Yasha links from us. As a result, I have decided to take those links down this coming weekend and re-upload them at a later time. Sorry to inconvience people, but the site has yet to take down the links. =/ Just to be clear, episodes 1-10 will go down and will be uploaded at a later time! =)
<3 Lily
Afternoon everyone! EternalLily here! =) I have the last ten episodes of Wolf's Rain for you! Enjoy!
I haven't created any pages for movies or anything like that, but I've uploaded Naruto Movie 3. You can get it here.
Hey everyone, I thought I'd be nice and have TWO updates for you! =)
5 new episodes!
-=Wolf's Rain=-
5 new episodes!
<3 EternalLily
New chapters up of Gantz!
Volume 20 (HQ) is up as well as chapters 238-246!
Its not because I was slow. The persons running the site who work on Gantz pretty much disappeared for a long while.
This update of Gantz continues the encounter with the other team in black.
Get it >>>HERE<<<
Also, now that Gantz is caught up. Expect to see Fairy Tail getting worked on.
And then I'll move onto the more popular mangas like Naruto and Bleach and OP. I'll start with the latest and work my way backah. (Unless you want me to start form the start?)
Just uploaded Tokimeki Memorial episodes 9-11. As always you can get them here.
I just uploaded Tokimeki Memorial Ep. 8. As always you can get it
OOOkay. So. Now... Volume 19 of Gantz is now up. 20 will be up soon. in the next few days.
Also, expect Fairy Tail to be put up soon.
Just finished uploading Tokimeki Memorial 7! As always you can get it here.
Just finished uploading the last two episodes of Shingetsutan Tsukihime. Enjoy ^_^
Sorry about the inactivity of the admins as of late! I've made an important post in the staff section of the forum. We've been having some difficulties lately as I, the Head Admin, have been sent off for military duty. We'll try to get things back on track!
Genre: Action, adventure, shounen
Format: rar
Host: megaupload
Taken from Manga Updates
In the not too distant future, mankind battles over O-Parts, relics from an ancient civilization. It takes a special kind of person to unlock the full potential of these remnants from the past, and a unique breed of humans known as O.P.T.s (or O-Parts Tacticians) become a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, O-Parts can be used for good or evil purposes.
Jio is a young boy with a tragic past who only trusts one thing in the world: money. Little does he suspect that he is actually a very powerful O.P.T., and inside him sleeps a demon of incredible ferocity. He meets up with a girl named Ruby, and together they decide to embark on a dangerous quest to discover as many O-Parts as they can. Will Jio help Ruby realize her dream of becoming a world famous treasure hunter? More importantly, will Ruby help Jio realize his dream of--world domination?!
I've added the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth episodes of Tokimeki Memorial. I only had episode 13 up. I hope to get this series up to date for you all. As always you can get it here.
O.K.s folks.
Vol.s 1-10 are up.
go >>>>HERE<<<< to check it out.
Edit: ALL of the volumes are up. Follow the above link to get them!
Full Metal Panic
All right! I just added Sekirei Volume 1 for all of you.
You can get this one, and ones I will add later here
BTW, I'm the new Manga Mod, OdinVII.
For right now I'll be covering Ongoing anime series. At least untill I can encode some other ones. If you'd like to help please refer to the forum.
Name: Blank_Mind
Admin Position: Head Administrator
Contact: blankmindbm[at]gmail[dot]com
Top 5 Fav. Anime:
1. Fate Stay Night
2. Shingetsutan Tsukihime
3. Suzuka
4. Shuffle
5. Air Gear
Here you will find streaming video for Fullmetal Alchemist.
Gunslinger Girl
Genre: Mature (May contain sex, drugs, and extreme graphic violence)
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Science Fiction, Shounen, Supernatural
You can use these on the forums. If you use them anywhere else you must say where you got it and link back to Anime-Archive. You must also save them to your computer and host them on you own service (i.e. Photobucket or Imageshack) so that you won't use up our bandwidth.
By Blank_Mind: