[Update] Fate Stay Night Eps.15-16
Okay here another quick update for fate/stay night eps. 15&16 and as alway you can get it here
haha before i forget happy halloween days everyone!^^
Enjoy and have a nice day!
Okay here another quick update for fate/stay night eps. 15&16 and as alway you can get it here
haha before i forget happy halloween days everyone!^^
Enjoy and have a nice day!
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [Update] Fate Stay Night Eps.15-16
well here a quick update of Fate/Stay Night Eps. 13&14 and i'm so sorry if i turn out to put it up late sometime but i will try put up more of it doing this weekend. but for now you can get it here
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [Update] Fate Stay Night Eps.13-14
Here's episode 4 of sns 2nd. As always you can get it here.
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [Update] Shakugan no Shana Second Ep. 4
Here's Bleach Ep. 145. Sorry, I missed last week. As always you can get it here.
I've just uploaded all of AIR TV. Unfortunately for you .rmvb fanatics it's in .avi. As always you can get it here.
Explanation: I've just too many things to worry about converting things to .rmvb. Sorry, but that's just the way it's gonna have to be. If Miki-chan wants to upload in .rmvb it is fine with me. Also, if you guys want to upload .rmvb mirrors that's fine with me too, but as it stands now MOST of the things that I'm going to upload is not gonna be .rmvb. There are some exceptions such as Bleach and Naruto.
well i think it time for another quick update of fate/stay night eps. 11 & 12 and as alway your can get it here
So Enjoy!
Well, we got Ikkitousen Dragon Destiny. Yep, that's right all 12 eps. As always you can get them here.
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [Update] Ikkitousen Dragon Destiny
so here a quick update of fate/stay night #10 and as alway you can get it here.
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [Update] Fate Stay Night Eps.10
I've got the rest of Code Geass for you. As Always, you can get it here.
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [Update] Code Geass Eps. 17-25
I've got Eps. 14 and 15 of Shakugan no Shana the first season uploaded. As always you can get them here.
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [Update] Shakugan no Shana Ep. 14 and 15
I've uploaded Shakugan no Shana Second Ep. 2. As always you can get it here.
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [Update] Shakugan no Shana Second Ep. 2
I've uploaded Shakugan no Shana Episodes 11-13 on the forums. As always you can get them here.
Miki-chan has posted Episodes 4-7 of Fate/Stay Night in the forums. As always you can get them here.
Miki has uploaded Fate/Stay Night Episodes 2 and 3! As always, You can get them here.
Here's Episode 1 of Fate/Stay Night. Uploaded by Miki! Yay, Miki!!! As always you can get it here.
Here it is!! The first episode!! I'm so excited!!! As always you can get it here.
To Aru Majutsu no Index
Kemeko DX
Macademi Wasshoi!
Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka
Rosario to Vampire: Capu 2
Tales of the Abyss
Casshern SINS
Well, upon becoming excited for Shakugan no Shana 2nd season, I have uploaded episodes 1-10 so far of the 1st season. You can get them here.
Also, the opening of the 2nd season is really cool! Check it out!
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [Update] SnS + SnS 2nd Opening
Well, DB has just released Bleach 143. As always you can get it here. (Must be a forum member).
Shakugan no Shana is going to have a second season!!! I've got the promo here.
Anime Archive: October 2007 - [News] Shakugan no Shana 2nd series promo!